I understand why you think 3 Billboards is a quiet performance but I do not see it that way. The film is about Mildred wreaking havoc in her town and she screams, yells, sets fires, assaults people, and spits back at anyone and everyone in the town. I will say that there are quiet and subtle moments in the film but I wouldn’t categorize the performance as a whole to be “quiet”.
Also, McDormand has been a celebrated actress for over 30 years and has gotten critical and popular attention for her loud performances first. So, she has the privilege to play ‘quiet’ roles if she wants to because she has already proven herself. I would put her in the ‘actor that can do both’ category. It would be much harder for her to be a souly sublte actor and achieve the success that she has today (the example here is Prepon, who has been a working actor for 20 years and isn’t nearly as successful as McDormand).
I appreciate your opinion on this piece and am so sorry it took me so long to reply!